Thank you for stopping by the Alakkawa Kennels website - the home of the rare and precious gems called the Alaskan Klee Kai.
T.A.G. - The Alakkawa Gang consists of breeders/owners - Jeffrey and MaryAnne and their son, Shane. All are owned by four Alaskan Klee Kai; Abby, Denver, Sequoia and Valentino. The Alaskan Klee Kai are a part of their family.
Alakkawa Kennels is a small home based hobby breeding kennel in Georgia - 35 miles east of Atlanta.
Please do not allow the word, "kennel" to fool you. The breeders have kennels in their home where their AKK sleep and rest in their super sized kennel/crate when they are not home. The breeders do not have a kennel run filled with AKK. Their AKK are pet’s first and breeding pairs second.
The breeders do not have a kennel in their backyard where they keep numerous Alaskan Klee Kai. In fact, they only have one breeding pair at this juncture. The breeders do plan to possibly add 1-2 more females to their breeding program. Their main goal is to enhance the breed while carefully choosing only AKK that have been bred for confirmed health.
Alakkawa Kennels is named after MaryAnne's sister's dog - Elakawa. MaryAnne knew she wanted a very unique name that was rare just like the Alaskan Klee Kai and she also knew she wanted the acronym "AKK" in the name. So, she changed the spelling of Elakawa and came up with ALAKKAWA.
In Cherokee "ELA" means "EARTH."
In Hebrew "ELA" means "GODDESS."
In Japanese "KAWA" means "RIVER."
In Apache "KAWA"(KAH-WAH) means "GREAT."
"Kawa" Karpo is a sacred mountain found in Yunnan, China. It is sacred to most Chinese Buddhist people, and the highest mountain in Yunnan.
"Kawa" Karpo is unclimbed, and is known as a meditation site.
"Kawa" no Dansu is a type of Japanese martial art. In English, the name means 'Dance of the River’; perhaps referring to the constant flows of spins and thrusts. Practices of Kawa no Dansu are referred to as dancers.
About Sequoia
Sequoia is the new breeding female for Alakkawa Kennels. The name "Sequoia" is of Native American Cherokee origin. The meaning of Sequoia is "giant redwood tree."
Sequoia was born at Woof n' Wags, Southpack Kennels in Plaquemine, Louisiana on September 27, 2014. Sequoia is a G/W female with double brown eyes. As of 1/25/16, Sequoia weighed 11.8 lbs. and is 15 3/4 tall. Sequoia does not really enjoy car rides as she tends to get car sick, but she sure does love to hike. She loves, loves, loves giving kisses and enjoys meeting new people. She snuggles like there is no tomorrow and is definitely the type of girl who loves to sit in a lap. The breeders have high hopes for this gorgeous girl.
About Denver
Denver was born at Mile High Klee Kai in Denver, Colorado on November 5, the same birthdate as one of the breeder at Alakkawa Kennels. Mile High Klee Kai is no longer breeding the AKK. Denver is a B/W standard, double brown eyed AKK (16 3/4" tall and he weighs 18 lbs.). Denver's grandfather is Alakkawa's Chance (pictured below). Denver's dad, Max came from Alakkawa Kennels. Alakkawa Kennels started out Mile High Klee Kai as AKK breeders.
Denver was put through Basic Obedience training with Valentino and passed with flying colors. Denver is not as shy as Valentino and loves to go for car rides, eat ice-cream, and hike, hike, hike.
Denver loves to talk and is louder than the other AKK at T.A.G. He loves to play and chase the breeder's neighbor's dog while running up and down the fence line. Denver is an active boy and the breeder's need to constantly keep an eye on him because he is so curious and full of a zest for running. Denver will (most times) bark at people and other dogs and yet afterwards he just wants to sniff of the person.
During Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Church of Covington, Denver was allowed to come to the Hinkle's church. The theme in 2018 was Operation Arctic and Friday of the week of VBS, Denver was the surprise for all the children since Friday was animal day. Denver thoroughly enjoyed the attention and met all ages of kiddos and even adults.
About Abby
Abby retired from breeding in 2015. Abby is a G/W miniature AKK (15" tall); born on April 18 in Severna Park, MD. On July 3, the breeder's drove to Ft. Bragg, NC and spent the weekend. Then, on July 5, the breeder's met Abby's breeder, who drove half way to meet the breeders so they could finalize paperwork and pick up Abby.
Abby loves snuggling and she really talks up a storm. She loves playing in the backyard with the other AKK in the family and even loves chasing the next doors neighbor's dog between the two fences that separate the property at the breeders home. She also loves playing with a tennis ball; running to get it and bringing it back to whomever throws it for her.
For Abby's second litter, the breeder's decided to use another stud from another breeder of the AKK. Abby's second litter also had 4 puppies. Unfortunately, a B/W male was born with a health issue and had to be put to rest. It ripped out the heart’s of the breeders and Abby would not leave the side of one of the breeders for several days thereafter.
Abby had a few more litters thereafter and all pups in each litter were healthy and currently live with their new families.
Abby is sweet, loving and loves her momma. She will chase a ball and most times bring it back. She can jump from the ground into the arms of the breeders. She loves to run and is very active. She will bark at a stranger for about 5 minutes and then afterwards, she is in their lap, but sometimes still barks even while in the person’s lap.
About Chance
It is with complete sadness that the breeders announce the passing of their first AKK - Chance. Chance lived with his new family in North Carolina up until he passed away in November 2017. Chance was Alakkawa Kennels former breeding male and was a G/W miniature AKK (13 3/4" tall); born on June 8. Chance was 3/4" over from being considered a toy. Chance was born at Carol Parkinson's kennel; WACO in Washington. On May 6, 2005, MaryAnne adopted Chance from Debbie Clifton at Heartland Huskies.
Chance had the sweetest personality. He was very loving, gentle and so regal. He did not like getting into trouble and would shy away from drama. Chance rarely barked at strangers and was instantly attracted to anyone who payed him the slightest bit of attention.
Chance loved to run in the yard, chase squirrels and go for walks. Chance had a huge amount of energy and enjoyed living with his new family. Chance retired from breeding when he went to live with his new family.
About Montana
Montana lives with her new family and is a former breeding female at Alakkawa Kennels. Montana is a B/W miniature AKK (15" tall); born September 5. On November 6, MaryAnne adopted Montana from Aliak's Kennel in Illinois. Montana currently resides in Florida with a wonderful family who adopted one of Alakkawa's puppies. The breeders miss her every single day, but they know she is getting mounds of love and attention.
Montana is quite the character. She will talk, talk, talk whenever someone talks to her. She loves to meet new people, loves playing in the backyard and yet, if left unattended she will dig holes to China. Montana loves having her belly rubbed and will literally slide her head underneath someone's hand, then nudge it to get a person to rub her belly. Montana is very smart too. If she hears anything out of the ordinary, she is the first to let the whole family know.
Montana and Chance had 4 litters of puppies. The breeders retired Montana in 2009.
About Valentino
Valentino is the breeders pet and has never been a breeding male at Alakkawa Kennels. Valentino is a G/W standard AKK (17 1/2" tall); born on February 13 and is from Montana and Chance's 4th and last litter.
Valentino is so sweet and his name fits him perfectly. Valentino was born with a PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus), Heart Murmur and yet, the breeder's vet stated on a scale of 1-6, Valentino only had a 2 rating. However, once Valentino was adopted to another family and his new owner took him to their vet, their vet stated on a scale of 1-6, he had a 6 rating.
Alakkawa Kennels asked for Valentino to be returned to them and welcomed him back to loving arms. The breeder's felt it was unfair to allow Valentino to remain with the adopted family as they felt there would be future vet bills and they did not want the previous family to have to endure those bills.
The breeder's took Valentino to the University of Georgia in June '09 and he had open chest surgery to correct the murmur. However, the surgery was not 100% successful. Valentino still has a heart murmur, but now on a scale of 1-6, it is actually a 2 according to the awesome vets at UGA. Valentino is able to lead a normal healthy life at home with the Hinkle's.
About Alakkawa Kennels Breeders
The breeder’s have about an acre of land where all their Alaskan Klee Kai get to run, chase squirrels, and dig to their hearts content. Their entire back yard is fenced with a 4-foot chain link fence and they also have an enclosed chain link play area where MaryAnne takes puppies to train as early as 6 weeks; weather permitting. The breeder’s Alaskan Klee Kai take naps on their bed, (in their crate too), and love sitting in their lap. They are both very active; love hiking, and camping in the North GA Mountains and they take their AKK on many adventures. They LOVE staying at their cabin in Ellijay, GA especially in the Fall and early Spring.
About Jeffrey
When Jeffrey is not hiking or tending to puppies or his adult AKK, you can find Jeffrey doing what he does best - cooking. However, he has retired from the culinary world and currently sells health, life, and auto insurance.
Jeffrey was born and grew up in Los Angeles, CA. After graduating high school, Jeffrey attended the California School of Culinary Arts in Pasadena, California. Jeffrey has worked in various capacities as a Chef throughout his career and owned a catering company when he moved to Atlanta. Now, Jeffrey has his dream career where he can work from home, take care of puppies, take time off when necessary to help take care of his son, Shane.
Jeffrey retired as the Chef Manager for Camp Twin Lakes in Rutledge, GA. in 2015 and volunteers his spare time for various charitable organizations throughout the year. Jeffrey also does catering for First Baptist Church of Covington's Ladies Gala every year.
About MaryAnne
When MaryAnne is not hiking, tending to puppies or her adult AKK, you can find her either taking professional photographs of clients, her family and pets, or teaching 7th grade students English Language Arts in a nearby town.
MaryAnne was born in Friedburg, Germany while her father was stationed in Frankfurt, Germany. MaryAnne has an Associate's Degree in Journalism, a Bachelors Degree in Communication with a minor in Criminal Justice, and a Masters Degree in Secondary Education. And, she is also a photographer.
MaryAnne has been published in several publications; writing on education and health issues.
MaryAnne is a hiker and loves God's country. She use to do long distance cycling, and she volunteers her photography talent to the military, and various charitable bike rides and organizations.
MaryAnne bred Cocker Spaniels for five years before she met Jeffrey. She adopted Morocco from a breeder and later adopted Lacy. She bred them and they produced 4 healthy, beautiful litters. Later, MaryAnne searched for another female to add to her breeding program and adopted Jade, another Cocker Spaniel. After one litter (because timing was not in her favor to breed any longer), she retired Jade in 2001. Jade passed away in 2009 and the Hinkle's miss her every day!
After a sabbatical from breeding, MaryAnne decided she wanted to pursue breeding a rare animal; a breed not everyone had heard of or owned, a breed that is incredibly special to those involved in the breeding program, and one that she knew would bring much happiness to those who wanted a precious gem like the Alaskan Klee Kai. After careful consideration, and a great deal of research, she knew the Alaskan Klee Kai was the breed for her. The rest is history...
About Shane
Shane with his momma. MaryAnne loves taking Shane for walks around the neighborhood and Shane really enjoys it too!
Shane at one of his many baseball games in the dugout.
Shane getting loads of kisses from mommy before one of her bike rides.
Shane and his momma before the Spin for Kids Bike Ride at Camp Twin Lakes. MaryAnne and Jeffrey ride every year in honor of Shane.
Shane at Camp Twin Lakes playing putt putt with his mommy.
Shane is a very "special" young man who has Cerebral Palsy. Shane is the love, life, inspiration, heart, and the Hinkle's whole reason for living. Shane has taught the Hinkle's many valuable lessons in life. Shane LOVES the ATLANTA BRAVES, the FALCONS, the DOLPHINS and just about every football team there is. Shane also enjoys the Ellen Show, Deal or No Deal, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy.
Shane was on the Cardinals team in Conyers, GA through the Miracle League Network. Shane's mom was so thrilled to be able to take Shane to the games, run the bases with him as his "buddy," and root for everyone on his team and the other team.
Playing baseball for Shane is not about "winning the game," it's about "playing the game," and giving Shane a chance to be like other kids and to fulfill his dreams of playing a game with those in the same reality as him. Baseball has always been a huge part of Shane's life and will continue to be.
MaryAnne and Abby at Hemlock Falls in North GA after a long day of hitting several waterfall hiking trails. Abby loves hiking!
Jeffrey and MaryAnne in Long Beach, CA.
MaryAnne adores horses and has NEVER met one she could not get to come to her. She was on a bike ride with Jeffrey and had to stop to get this green baby to come to her. All she did was whistle and this little guy came running to her. He stood in front of MaryAnne for about 15 minutes just staring at her.
MaryAnne and Jeffrey are members of:
The Covington/Conyers Cycling Club
and the
Southern Bicycle League
MaryAnne use to be an Event Host/Assistant Organizer with the Georgia Adventurers Group where she led photographer's/hikers into the North Georgia Mountains on hiking adventures.
MaryAnne is also the founder of the North/East Georgia Photographer's Guild and is also a member of several photography clubs in and around the Atlanta area.
This little girl was the only baby left out of one of the breeders litters. The breeders named the pups, Grace, Faith and Hope and this is Hope. The Hinkle's decided to get Hope out into the community and take her to Lake Rutledge Trail located at Hard Labor Creek in GA to give her some much needed socialization and exercise so her new family would not have a hard time doing the same with her. She is just so adorable and they sure miss her, but she is happy and living in Florida with her new family who are taking excellent care of her. Thanks a ton to Scott and Briana for the love and care you are giving their sweet little girl!
Hope was so attached to MaryAnne and would not allow her to venture off far from her sight. Each time MaryAnne tried to walk either in front of her and Jeffrey or behind them both a little, Hope would try to get to MaryAnne.
Just look at that precious face of hers.
The materials (written content and photographs) on this web site are the property of ALAKKAWA KENNELS.
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